Saturday, 20 April 2013


What a day, I was up in the eastern hills gripping Rouzels and Cuckoos and thought I was doing well when Boom! a tweet from Malc had me twitching with excitement.
He'd been down to Neumann's and found - Little Gull (actually seen yesterday and put out on the Manc Bird forum but nowhere else...thanks for nothing!), a drake Garganey roosting on Scrapyard island, a Gropper reeling by the same hide and several Whitethroats plus a big influx of Reed Warblers.
Take that and party as the saying goes, what a haul of spring goodies.

Returning to the office via Neumann's of course (lunch hour) I managed to acquire the ones I needed.

the moulting first summer Little Gull over the flashes

Back at home after work I looked up to see 4 Buzzards circling the house, more like Vultures than Buteos I could only wish they were about to feast on the dead carcass of the farmer next door who's cut down the row of trees by our house the bastard.


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